Leadership and strategy

Essentials of Emotional Intelligence

The Essentials of Emotional Intelligence online course is designed to deepen your understanding of emotional intelligence and ignite your curiosity to learn more. Throughout this course, you will explore the concept of emotional intelligence and its reputation as a predictor of potential and future performance. You will discover how emotional intelligence affects individual performance, team outcomes, and the overall organizational climate. Additionally, you will be introduced to various ideas and tools that can help you enhance your emotional intelligence.




Up to 12 Hours


Self-paced online



  • Avatar of Timo Vuori
    Timo Vuori

    Timo Vuori is an Associate Professor, Strategic Management at Aalto University School of Science, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management.

    Professor Timo O. Vuori is a strategy consultant and professor at Aalto University. His research on the psychological aspects of strategic management has been published in leading international journals and won several international awards. He has taught and presented his research at leading universities like Harvard and INSEAD.

    Professor Vuori's research and teaching focus on how companies formulate and execute strategies. He has written two books with senior business executives on these topics. "Living Strategy" describes scenario-based strategy making in an ever-changing world. "Platform Strategy" describes how incumbent firms should and can renew themselves in the digital era. The books detail both the "hard" factors, such as technology and business models, and "soft" factors, such as people and psychology, influencing strategy and renewal.

    Professor Vuori works extensively with companies, often collaborating with a leading strategy consulting company. Vuori helps the client organization formulate and evaluate several strategic options in strategy formulation projects. He uses advanced psychological techniques to help leaders unleash their strategic creativity and overcome thinking myopias and personal biases. This approach is based on his cutting-edge international research, also described in the Platform Strategy.

    In strategy execution projects, Professor Vuori specializes in helping the client firm optimize the psychological engagement of the whole organization. He analyses the psychological impact of the intended strategy execution program and modifies it to maximally leverage the emotions of the organization's members' for effectiveness.

Contents and Schedule

This online course covers the essentials of Emotional Intelligence. During the course, you will learn what Emotional Intelligence is, why it is important at personal, interpersonal, and organizational levels, and how it can be increased and developed.

The course is structured into five online modules consisting of interactive video lectures, reflection tasks, and reading material covering emotional intelligence from different perspectives. The videos are accompanied by interactive questions to check your knowledge along the way.

Each module contains

  • Introduction
  • Video lecture
  • A small reflection task
  • Knowledge check questions
  • Review of the key takeaways from the module

The course videos are subtitled in English.

The estimated study time of the course is 12 hours. The course allows flexible study patterns; you can decide on your schedule and the speed of your progress.

Recommended study schedule is 2–3 hours per week for 3–4 weeks.

Module 1: 

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Module 2:

Why is Emotional Intelligence Important at the Individual Level?

Module 3:

Why is Emotional Intelligence Important on the Interpersonal Level?

Module 4:

Why is Emotional Intelligence Important in Organizational Level?


How to Develop/Improve Emotional Intelligence?


All people feel emotions at work and are influenced by them. Emotions can be harmful if not understood or managed properly or, in the best case, can enable radical progress and superior performance. During this online course, you will recognize the impact of Emotional Intelligence on individual performance, team performance, and at the organizational level.

In this course you will:

Learn to apply practical tools and strategies to benefit from Emotional Intelligence.

Discover frameworks that describe Emotional Intelligence and its different components.


This online course is suitable for anyone who wants to get a coherent understanding and increase their own Emotional Intelligence.