Up to 12 Hours
Self-paced online
Tomi Kauppinen is the head of Aalto Online Learning at Aalto University. His background is in media technology and computer science. He aspires to bring an entrepreneurial mindset and lean and agile creativity to all his projects and teaching.
Tomi Kauppinen is Head of Aalto Online Learning at Aalto University. He holds a habilitation (2014) in geoinformatics from the University of Muenster in Germany and the title of docent (2014), a Ph.D. (2010) in media technology from Aalto University, and an M.Sc. (2004) in computer science from the University of Helsinki. Kauppinen's passion is to create, study, and teach information visualization, spatial thinking, cognitive systems/artificial intelligence, and blended learning design. Since 2016, he has led the Aalto University-wide strategic development initiative, Aalto Online Learning, which covers activities ranging from blended learning to fully online textbooks and exercises, from video production to online social interaction, from artificial intelligence-based recommendations and assessment to interactive visual simulations, and from augmented/virtual reality to games and gamification. With his background in startups before a calling to academia, he aspires to bring an entrepreneurial mindset and lean and agile creativity to all his projects and teaching.
We encourage an exploratory and self-directed mindset! This online course is structured into ten online modules. The modules consist of videos and podcasts, reflection tasks, and practical assignments. The modules are followed by interactive questions to check your knowledge along the way. An integral part of your learning will be employing a course workbook for practice and reflection. The workbook tasks includes reflection prompts and gives you expert directions on how to advance a visualization project of your own.
Module 1:
Course Introduction: What is Information Visualization?
Module 2:
Elements of Visual Storytelling
Module 3:
Data Universe
Module 4:
Design Principles for Visualizations
Module 5:
Trends and Future of Information Visualizations
Module 6:
Psychology of Visualizing Information
Module 7:
Purposes of Visualizations: Who Makes Visualizations and Why
Module 8:
Basic Methods of Visualizing Information
Module 9:
Explanatory and Exploratory Visualizations
Module 10:
Visualizations for Society and the Skills to Create Them
Every day, we are confronted with data that aims to impact us in many ways. Understanding how information can be visualized helps us make sense of the data and recognize the underlying facts. This course gives you the understanding and tools to start creating intelligible and impactful visualizations. You will gain a clear overview of information visualization and understand the role and potential of data in creating information visualizations.
In this course you will:
Explore the psychology of seeing and understanding visualizations.
Find advanced methods for visualizing and know how to detect typical problems and how to overcome them.
Acquire the basics of visual storytelling.
Learn the benefits of visualizing data for memorizing, decision-making, and learning.
If you need to understand and learn to decipher visualizations and what is behind them, then this course is for you. If you want to prepare visualizations of your own, this course will get you started.
The course is designed for those who want a concise overview of what information visualization is about. It focuses on making quantitative data understandable and usable. You may need to understand and learn to decipher visualizations and what is behind them, or you may want to prepare visualizations of your own.